Why Are My Fingers Locking Up?

Are your fingers locking up? Do you suffer from a peculiar situation in which your finger(s) become stuck in a bent position that eventually pops back into place? For some this catch and lock position may last a considerable amount of time, often causing pain ranging in severity.

This problem is a classic case of a phenomenon known as trigger finger. It’s called “trigger finger” because it mimics the mechanics of a trigger on a gun; it starts out in a relaxed normal position, moves out of place, and then straightens back into the normal position.

What causes my finger to get stuck?

If you use your hands often, especially if you are performing a gripping motion, then you are at more risk of developing trigger finger. An example is a construction worker who constantly works with tools that require a firm grip.

Research has shown that women are more susceptible than men to experience trigger finger. Certain medical condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes also may play a role in the reason why your fingers are locking up.

Treatment of Trigger Finger

Before treatment of trigger finger takes place, you must understand the basics behind the situation. Trigger finger is a result of an inflamed sheath, which is where your finger connects to the palm of your hand. When this becomes inflamed, it narrows the passageway for your tendon to move back and forth. If this passageway is severely narrowed, then the tendon has a chance of staying in the locked position for a while.

Treatment of trigger finger often begins with implementation of a splint to help straighten out your affected finger(s). The splint is often paired with anti-inflammatory medication to help relieve the swelling and help your finger return to its normal functioning position.

You can read the issue of trigger finger in full detail through your Los Angeles hand surgeon who has experience in treating a variety of hand-related disorders.